


We are committed to being your trusted partners for unparalleled results. With a dynamic duo composed of Lisa and Rob, we bring a powerful combination of experience, knowledge, and personalized service. Our clients choose us because we prioritize their goals and work tirelessly to exceed their expectations. Backed by a strong track record of over 30 million dollars in Real Estate sold, we excel in negotiations, market insights, and providing exceptional customer care. Whether you’re buying or selling, the Edwardsen Family Real Estate Team is committed to making your real estate journey seamless, successful, and rewarding. Contact us today and experience the difference!

Rob Edwardsen

Representing the greater Portland region Rob Edwardsen is committed to listening to his clients and using his proven negotiating skills to fight for his client's best interests. Rob values relationships over transactions and prides himself on finding the right fit for his clients whether it be finding their forever home for them or helping negotiate to get top dollar for his sellers. With 12 years of sales and sales leadership background, Rob has the needed skills to navigate this ever-changing landscape and financial climate that we find ourselves in.

Lisa Edwardsen

Lisa comes from an extensive background in marketing and project management. Which provides her with the tools to market properties to their highest potential. She's an excellent communicator and always keeps timelines top of mind to make sure her clients are prioritized and well taken care of. In addition, Lisa holds over 10 years of sales and recruitment experience giving her the upper hand in negotiation, and will fight for her clients until the transaction is closed...